Byron Bay – Sunday 31st January

After the storms of the past few day the heat has been more bearable today.  Alice and I went for a lovely walk along the beach before it got too hot.  The sand was firm under foot as the rain had compacted it, making it really easy to walk on.  On the way back I… Continue reading Byron Bay – Sunday 31st January

Australia Day, Invasion Day, Day of Mourning, Survival Day or Laterly Aboriginal Sovereignty Day – Tuesday 26th January

Today is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain, and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove by it’s commander Captain Arthur Phillip, in 1788.  You can find out more here About our National Day  I am not an Australian and my only observation would… Continue reading Australia Day, Invasion Day, Day of Mourning, Survival Day or Laterly Aboriginal Sovereignty Day – Tuesday 26th January